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Hi Dragon Explosion

Thanks for playing, feedback and your video!

About the introduction. Yes, I do admit that I would love to have a cool cinematic with a narrator of some sort, explaining the introduction.

Unfortunately, it’s not my strongest suit to create that kind of stuff yet. That’s why I just do plain text for now. However, I will not rule out it going to be added in the future at some point.

I’m glad you liked the random audio effects, traps and jumpscares. You seemed to find every trap in the dungeon ;)

I also hear your thoughts about being a treasure hunter. Then we immediately think of games like Tomb Raider etc. And you do have a point. There’s definitely some game mechanics missing in the game. 

But then again, what can people expect from a solo dev. I would really love to make a complete Elder Scrolls type of game with towns, multiple dungeons and combat systems etc, but unfortunately I can’t. I simply have to stop up otherwise I will never finish making a game.

I managed to write a quick story within a day and came up with the idea that the player could be a treasure hunter. What I’m trying to say. The player’s profession could have been anything.

Since I’m a huge fan of puzzle games myself, I like your idea. However I have plenty of puzzles in my other game projects. That’s why I excluded those in this game. However I might add some in the future.

I do disagree that the storyline is lacking. There’s plenty of documents scattered around the dungeon. You also managed to read most of them. By reading those, you should as a player use your imagination to conclude what happened in the past. 

I don’t want to make a game, where the player needs to read more than playing. That’s not fun. At least not from my point of view.

I’m going to add more events to the game as well. Such as scares, the missing person and maybe a chasing part, where the player needs to run.

I believe that’s all.

Thanks again for your honest opinion. It’s really helping me out
