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Decent VN with a wide selection of girls and they look more visually distinct than most games made in this engine. All the tropes are there, vampire goth GFs, the monster hunter guildmarm, ninja tsunderes. I could go on. The translation is a little rough but the game's author has taken the time to bring in proof readers, and is actively reworking the initial part of the game where I think the translation is probably the weakest.

Don't let the early writing put you off, it's not actually that bad. The Protagonist gets less annoying and more amusing as you progress because the humor is mostly in the "I'm literally the only person here who isn't constantly trying to have sex with me" attitude he takes.

The main criticism I'd like to make is honestly the one I make of every VN made in this format - I wish the h-scenes were more descriptive and less dialogue-oriented. It would be a good opportunity to tell since the engine only offers so much with regards to detail.