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Just created an account to praise this masterpiece- massive amounts of options that influence the outcome, amazing art/animation and wide variety of girls to pick from, lots of replay potential, but most importantly, this one got a surprising amount of laughs out of me. The dry humor was top notch and kept me entertained a whole day (no joke, I've played this 3 days now, probably around 11 hours in total ...possibly cus I fucked it up the first 3 trys tho). Unfortunate that only one of all the girls has caught my attention, so I probably won't be able to enjoy it much longer, but I'm still only at day 30, so there's plenty of new stuff to discover, as I usually like to try every path.

Also, I'm sure it already has been discovered or talked about, but you can "cheat" your trust and corruption stats, by selecting a choice that will increase the wished point. After that just abuse the back button and repeat the process, possibly resulting in some rather astronomical stats, if only repeated enough. Dno if it's intentionally still in the game, but might want to patch that incase it hasn't been discovered yet, as it somewhat takes the challenge away. 

Another option to consider could be the removal of the back button entierly, but that's left to debate and is probably unnecessary anyways, as most (I assume) primarily come here for the fun part(?)

Anyways, really great game. Entertained longer than most triple A games these days, even tho for slightly different reason, but that doesn't invalid the statement. Keep up the great work!


Very happy to hear you liked the game so much!

I wasn't aware the points system could be gamed like that. The points system does become less important as the game progresses though, in favor of variables marking every important choice. Disabling rollback is technically possible, but it's one of the features a lot of players rely on.

I have asked this in several forums so it seems like asking you may be the only way to find out.  Is there a way to play a Bella ONLY path.  No other girls at all.  It seems if you do not start something with Rachel at the beginning you never get the opportunity to romance Bella.  

Yes, that should be possible. Progression with Bella isn't linked with any other character.