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Hii, could you please help me with the puzzle stuff? I suck at puzzles and I've been trying to solve them for hours now. I'm just so stumped 😭 I can't figure out the numbers for the demon.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey hey! Sure, no worries :3 I suck at puzzles myself >.< 

The funky font in the photo on Roselyn's Twitter contains the hint for the numbers, and the text on it reads:
"Hebrews. I will never leave you or forsake you."
If you type that into a search engine, it should come up with a number. I'll put the correct number + password below anyhow though :3 Thanks so much for playing ^-^

The number to call is: 135

The password is: Anathema


Thank you so much, I love the game by the way, you and your team did an amazing job :)

No worries :3 And I'm super glad that you love it :D I'm so proud of everyone on the team! It was the best jam I've ever participated in so far <3 Thanks so much again for playing ^-^