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We don't know each other, so, I hope this doesn't come across overly personal.

I admire what you tried to accomplish. Plenty of people want to make a game and never start, but you at least attempted to bring your project into reality. And it got as far as physically printed cards, how cool is that?

You said this project is abandoned, and I get why you'd say it like that, but for a solo-developer, in a way, because a project is just a never-ending onslaught of problems to solve, to spend 4 years on it, is 4 years that your project undoubtedly made you smarter. Smarter at coming up with solutions, smarter at marshaling your resources, smarter at seeing problems coming so you can make corrections.

Project or no project, abandoned or not, you're an example for us all, to go out and try and see what we can do.


Thank you very much, Noah! Yes, it was a huge learning journey and I definitely became a much better game designer and game dev as a result. I'm proud of what I did accomplish. I'd say that 99% of indies wouldn't even reach 4 years working on a project, especially one that actually looks good and functions well enough.

Thank you very much for the encouraging words. I am not giving up on gamedev, but I'll return with much simpler projects in the future.