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The game is dead simple with depth and I love grids, and for these two reasons I think it’s solid design.

However, I don’t think it’s as elegant as it could be, and I think that’s because of time constraints more so than the designer. If this bun had been in the oven longer, it would be off-the-walls-bananas awesome, but for now it’s still a solid party wargame.

If there was a

I would also say it doesn’t super fall into redesigning failure. There is a failure track, and multiple ways to receive failure points, and the only way to win/lose is to interact with the failure track (which I like a lot). But, at the end of the day, the failure track does not have any real advantages for towing the line between success and failure, which I would love to see explored more.

Otherwise, solid game, can’t wait to playtest it! How big should the hex grid be?