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very very cute. I have to say the main character reflects many stereotypes of guys a bit anxious that sometimes go too fast with their minds and they generally are puppies to take care of. the idea is good and I guess there is behind the personal experience, the fact that he draws and you too, as for the phone... see if he answers.. every two minutes, I imagine you check our comments to see if it liked, for many people this is considered anxiety.. for me it is also a search for confirmations, having a sensitive soul and much more. I like it... a very personal work.. You’re exposing yourself, I think, and I fucking love it. You got balls! you have all my respect continues so

"every two minutes, I imagine you check our comments to see if it liked"

(thanks for the comment for real though!! <3)


oh I hope you didn’t take it wrong, I think you check the comments etc. It’s just that you’re putting so much into this project and it makes me see you as more altruistic and sensitive, nothing more than nothing less <3

Oh, no worries! I was just joking around since I happened to be checking itchio just when you posted and it was a funny coincidence. ;D Thank you for the kind words!!