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(1 edit)

Just a quick question: is there a limit to the Import Image's size? I have a 464x256 image that I used for converting down an already-made tileset to 8x8 tiles for ease of use, and I noticed that some tiles don't seem to be included in the Output Images.

The image in question: 

Edit: I found a workaround, in which I split up the image to smaller images, combined the outputs, and ran it through again, and got this: 

Hey there!

No there is no limitation, as long as your pc can handle it. It just needs to be divisible by the tilesize.

I just tried out your picture and I got these results:

without rotation

with rotation

It could be that you accidentally switch the mirrored Mode on.

I hope this helps you and sorry for the late reply!

It's okay, and thanks for the response.
I did do both without, and one with, and I don't know but it seemed like I was missing tiles. It could be doing its job correctly, and I didn't notice (as it was my first time using this program :P).

Hope you have a good day/night!