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(4 edits)

Finally I dodged those spikes

Backed up my save files before all this, so I might...I dunno

I don't think I'd died a single time before now...but hey, I knew what I was getting into, so I guess I'll just humour it for the time being
maybe break up all those skeletons and pretend like nothing happened unless I get a death achievement that gives it all away

Right, I'm back. What a bloody mess oh my gosh

Also all my corpses are skeletons. They're really that old. Either that, or someone's been pretty hungry while I was gone. Not only that, but everything I took out of the treasure chest and piled on the floor in a single hyperdense lump is still right where it was! (It's thankfully but dubiously)

heck, my two leftover chicken nuggets are still intact

Mr. Bones has some spells

Anyway I'm back, baby! That was one heck of a ride

Who the heck installed those spikes, anyway? That was a very deliberate contraption for a chest someone locked. Were they really just like "alright nobody touches these precious jewels from here on out without paying the big price"