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Prompt 5: Describe an emergent story from your play experience that wasn't intended by the designer (so far as you know).

The memorable moment in the game is where my avatar first enters the game and the screen started to shake hardly. And when I start to move to the left, the screen sometimes stop to shake for a while, and when I moved out of that area, the screen started to shake again. The first red house is also memorable since when I move to the left side of the screen, the game compulsorily moved my character to the chair area. And the different areas on the left correspond to different chairs on the screen. For this game, I would recount the game to my friends that this game requires you to find a safe place to avoid the earthquake. The earthquake is manifested as the shaking effects of the screen, and the houses on the side of the road are your experiences and journey to find a shelter. The event that the designer was not intended for is that I moved to the last house directly, which is the shelter, when I played this game for the first time. I did not go to the first red house, but I chose to hold the right arrow key until my avatar cannot move forward anymore. Moreover, I kind of experience the game backward since my order of entering is the house is the last house, middle house, and the first house.