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Been some time and I see there might be a few following! Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy the game!
I also want to say sorry for being quiet for some time. I have been working on Omni-Mori no need to worry. I just have been focused on how to get things working proper and adding more content. There is much to do and more to come and I am happy to be working on this. There have been some experimenting such as enemy entities that will throw small fireballs, laying out level layouts. Speaking of levels are being worked on as data will be saved between levels. There are 2 new zones, tho they are fairly empty. Then again so is the first area. But all in time as I try new things and keep advancing. Also the main menu has gotten some nice changes with a theme by mellow sonic on youtube.

So yup been really focused and the game is still being worked on. I want to thank everyone for any and all support and I hope you enjoy!
Back to work! take care everyone.