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Can someone please explain the difference between all three folders?

(1 edit) (+2)

There is a blurb about them on the game page ( under the heading "Suggestions for Printing"

There are 3 different zip files with different formats: 1x1  for printing each page on its own sheet. (Front, back) 2x1 for printing 2 pages on 1 sheet (Front x2, back x 2)  2x2 for printing 4 pages on 1 sheet (Front x4, back x 4) 

All formats are designed so that when you print front and back, the pages align correctly on the backs of their front. The resolution to a given page, is on the back of the previous page.

Hmmm.   I don't quite understand.  When I look at each file, they all display the same number of pages when I go to print and they all say they are going to print 1x1 on a page.  Are there any special settings in Adobe Reader that we need to do in order to get 2x2 on a page?  Just trying to conserve paper if I can. 

I posted a clarifying post here: