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I played like 5 hours of the game and it's the best volleyball game for me. I got a bug, that the setter and the quick attack spiker froze mid-game so I couldn't pass the ball anywhere. And will there be a championship in this game at some point?


Sorry for the late answer !

Thank you for playing that long ! We're happy that you're enjoying the game :D

Mmh, strange bug. What do you mean by "froze mid-game" ? :3

Yes there will be a championship and other stuff in the game. Check it here ♥


Hi! Thank you for the info. 

By froze mid-game, I mean that the quick attack and the setter were not able to move or do any of their actions. It mostly happened when the enemy does a quick attack and you slow the ball down with the block.

Don't know if it was fixed or not since I am still playing on the old version.

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Happy new year ;)

Alright, I see. Yes, we fixed that bug hé hé B) ♥

The new version is not available yet and would be on Steam in few months I think :D

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Thanks for the info and happy new year to you too!