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Latest 4.24 works great with 3.1/3.1.4 rom, thanks. I have some issues related to installing newer Picasso96 and other cards. If i clean up prefs drawer, save snapshot of all windows, reboot, then prefs drawer appears unchanged as before doing clean up and snapshot. Does 32SE or themes change the prefs drawer?


Sorry. Never mind, I'm using a ide to SATA with a SSD on a real Amiga and this has some obscure delay for writing changes to disk, which seems to be the issue

Nice to hear you have a good control on Amiga behaviour ;)

Only some icons are links instead of prefs app in prefs. DockBot was not 100% friendly with OS3.2, switching dock removed a lot of problems, I'm using 4.24 daily and have no issues at all ;) 

Wbdock works great. I have been using 32SE V4.24 on my A4000D with ZZ9000 for almost 24 hours now, it runs flawless 👍☺️

(1 edit)

That's cool ;) , cpu ?

68060 50mhz on a Cyberstorm PPC
