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Spoilers, tangent: Did you intentionally make Robert frustrating? XD He wasn't advisor, there was no reason for him to bring up Lydia's gender. Rude. If he's so concerned people will use her unwed status to frame power given to her as unstable, maybe stop transferring power to men just because the woman wed? His accusations toward Asha were unreasonable, too. I'm laughed out loud when Lydia used his own sensibilities against him by saying she didn't invite her to dance nakedin honor of the snake goddess Sif. Though the writing is consistent in tone, there are so many comical moments. It was all enjoyable.

I initially intended Robert to be some “very annoying grandpa”. Like he can give good advice, listen to all your problems, but he is very old-fashioned and can be harmful without realising. Like it’s so normal for him he has to be a man ruler. He doesn’t even see the problem of saying that to Lydia and how it can be harmful for her. He is guardian of the past but forget to not live in it.

 As for Asha, since he is the main representation of the Faith, he is very wary of anything that could disturb the RealFaithTM. Even if he acts very disrespectfully with Asha, he respects her more than we can see. Firstly, because if he is so wary of her is because he fears her influence. He can see how dangerous she can be. He does not straight out underestimate her because she is a woman/stranger, which is still better than some other people in the palace. (Nobles I spared myself to display in the game.)