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(1 edit)

@Overlordddddd, mah fwiend uvu

(Mha TwT)

@Memeeeeeeesssssssssssss ma good lad-

@Overlordddddddd, one of my bestest friends, the one and only-

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww-<3 lemme get one of ma MHA ocs.

Hehe! Alrightttt, Katsuki it is then!

Oki cool-this is Hana-

Hehe, flower girllll, She's quite pretty! :3

Thanks! Aaaaaaanyways-do you want me to start? 

I mean I can if you'd like!

ummmmmmmmmmmm-sure!! Buttttttt can we start from the exam just cuz like I feel like that's a good place to start-