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Oki cool-this is Hana-

Hehe, flower girllll, She's quite pretty! :3

Thanks! Aaaaaaanyways-do you want me to start? 

I mean I can if you'd like!

ummmmmmmmmmmm-sure!! Buttttttt can we start from the exam just cuz like I feel like that's a good place to start-

Heh, well nvm thennnn, you may start it however you'd like, seems like you'd rather to anyways-

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-wellllllll-sure bro! 

It was before the exam, and everyone was standing around talking. Bakugo was standing by himself, being a little shit-anndddddddd probably mercilessly judging the competition honestly cuz that's kinda what he do-he noticed an olive-haired girl, sitting by herself and fidgeting nervously. She had earbuds in, listening to music and bobbing her head to the beat a little. Her clothes were a little too big for her, and worn, like they were hand-me-downs.  

As bakugou would, He didn't really care much about this Extra, but due to the fact she could've opposed a "Threat" to him, he thought he could've at least figured out what her quirk was, so. He began to walk over to her, his hands in his pockets as he had the typical I don't really care" face.

"Hey, you, Extra. Do you mind talking with me for a moment?"


She looked up at hearing someone's voice, taking an earbud out 

"Oh-I-I'm sorry, were you asking me something...?" 

This girl-this damn girl-she had the prettiest, softest eyes Bakugo had ever seen. Like-big, dark doe eyes that perfectly sparkled in the light. 

He took a moment to examine her body...well, more as in adore-ish her, then spoke up once again, his tone a bit relaxed...foooor bakugou.

"Yeah, I was just wondering the hell your quirk is, you weren't here to introduce yourself, either that or I just didn't even know you were here."