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Hello from Brazil, I thought it was amazing what you did, I've been researching how to create games for SNES for a long time, without success, I read the other comments and understood how it works, only one thing that wasn't clear to me is how much and the maximum size a ROM can be, I know it can vary depending on the cartridge hardware. could you help me with this please

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I never tried to do large SNES games (for now), but from what I've read the maximum "standard" size for games is 4MB (32 Mbits):

But by using special chips inside the cartridge, you can go way larger: the two largest SNES games from the commercial era (Star Ocean and Tales of Phantasia) where 6MB (48 Mbits) each. And nowadays, using the SD2SNES / FXPAKPRO Flashcart with the MSU-1 mapper, you can go up to 4GB in size:

But honestly, with the way the SNES stores audio and graphics data (very efficient formats = small sizes), 4MB is quite a large amount of space to make cool SNES games :)