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I'm going through the pdf to try and add more  monsters and it says to add them into an array; which when I console.log it originally, it looks like It goes into an array but when I do this; the game breaks:  while I can move the game doesn't really do anything and I can't see the monster that  I added to the array


Hey, I think this is happening because you are pushing an array in there not the actual object.

Change this:

game.monsters.push([createBeing(makeMonster, freeCells)]);

To this:

game.monsters.push(createBeing(makeMonster, freeCells));

Removing the square brackets will just push the one monster into the monsters array.

Ahh thanks! That works; I was close lol. Your boilerplate is great I'm using it for Game Off 2021. Might continue to make more games with this once I become more familiar with rot.js

No problem, I’m glad it’s useful.