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(4 edits)

You’re welcome to post in the forum. :)

Would you like to discuss in private? I can show you some relevant code. I think in that case it’s because your MC’s highest stat was mind. The highest mind/body will always deteriorate just because of being almost buried, if that’s reasonable (it might not, but right now that’s my logic for the “cost”)? I don’t have a detailed design document and thus sometimes code can get out of control, and I need reader feedback to help me find bugs. 😅

As for courtesy name and birth name, I haven’t nailed down when is appropriate to switch. But it’s based on trust level and/or romance situation. But sometimes it just doesn’t “feel” right, you know. Hard to explain. (Sometimes I wonder if western-audience uses an English name, then it definitely feels more personal to them than a Chinese name that they had a limited choice of, but yeah I should try to be internally consistent… 😅)

Thanks so much for your time!

(1 edit) (+1)

Okay, I'll probably post to the forum in the future (instead of cluttering up the comments 🙃). I think I'm good for now, things will probably make more sense once I'm more familiar with this kind of code. Have a nice day and good luck with the game :)