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Is Tai's route done yet? :3

-nope day 17 still 

Tbh i haven't seen the animated cg XP

Freakin penis collider killed everyone it seems :V


Diego's route is done.

Tai's route is at day 17 for now.

There's a dev log somewhere in the comment sections. You can check it out.

Aww here I found it:


Aye! Thanks ^w^


Yep still Day 17. Things should speed up once Day 17 is finished, it's just too densely packed for it's own good! 

And yes, everybody so loved Axel's drunken scene in Diego's route, so we worked a new one into Tai's. On this one, he dances on a table and admits his true feelings about a certain somebody, and not who you might expect!

Now I'm just curious -.___-.

Damyouuu and thank you for the constant updates > v<