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Some concepts I liked from greatest importance to least importance:

* The game was easy to learn how to play. This is because all the controls of the game were told by the game. In addition, the rules of the game were somewhat intuitive and made some sense in the real world. For example, if my ship ran out of health, the crew would die. The icons of the game were also intuitive to understand. For example, it is a safe assumption to assume that the heart icon represents health, so the number next to the heart icon is the amount of health points I have.

* The audio fit the game's mood and was not repetitive. It sounded nice. The audio helped create a peaceful mood for the game. I really liked this peaceful mood as I was tired when I started playing this game. The gameplay also helped the audio create a peaceful mood. This is because the gameplay was not too interactive and most of the gameplay just consisted of reading. The gameplay was not tiring for me. Also, reading the texts in the game immersed me in the game and made me visualize in my mind of what was happening during the game.

* The graphics of the game were pretty realistic. The animation at the beginning of the game looked somewhat realistic and it immersed me into the game. I really liked how the graphics fit the pixel style seen in lots of games.

* I liked how the game works regardless of whether the application is in full screen or not. In some games, whenever I use the full screen option, the UI of the game does not adapt to full screen. Therefore, the UI of these games will be messily organized in the full screen mode. Thankfully, the UI of this game was organized well in full screen.

Some concepts that I did not like from greatest importance to least importance:

* I did not like that the game went on to the next chunk of text without user input at the start of the game (which introduced the exposition of the game) . This is because I was not finished reading the text by the time the game decided to move on to the next chunk of text. When I replayed the game, I did not like that I could not skip the animation and go on to the next chunk of text. This is because I had already seen the animation and seeing the same animation over and over again is pretty trite and boring. I wanted to get straight into the gameplay after I lost and I did not want to waste my time watching the animation again.

* Though I liked the pixel style for the graphics, I did not like that the text followed the pixel style. This is because the pixel style made it somewhat hard to read. In addition to this, some of the texts in the game were partially not visible as some of the words in the texts were written off screen.


Thank you very much for the great feedback! :)

I try to include/improve the things you mentioned in my future projects.