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Wow ! Thank you so much !

I discovered your web site a few weeks ago, and I liked it a lot.
Now I really consider myself as a beginner, so I feel trully honored (and thankful) to see one of my little games being reviewed on the site !
Thank you. :)

I'm glad you liked it.

For the full screen mode problem, I'm aware of it, and I think the issue is already known by the Pico-8 developer himself (it's due to the HTML export part of it, if I remember well). Actually the downloadable version would not have this problem at all (I am constantly testing the game that way, and everything is ok). But for the moment, the game is not downloadable yet, though.

I'm still working on a few things to improve it, and to add different "difficulty modes", new fonctionnalities, visual effects and gameplay twists. They will be implemented in future versions, after the Jam.

Thank you again, and best wishes. :)