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Sorry about that! I will add that warning immediately! There shouldn't be too many scenes of that nature in the full game, the scenario of just having alot of guys pile on was moreso my main focus of the scene and not so much the rape aspect. Hentai Quest has some frisky scenes but I don't think it pushes the envelope too hard. Again sorry about the lack of warning!

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

I appreciate that. I didn't mean to sound too aggresive, I'm just a bit of a wuss when it comes to these things, specially if I'm not expecting it. Anyway, I think I might trust you in regards to Hentai Quest, since I'm genuinely interested in that one.


Fair warning though, there is a scene of "blackmail" scenario, ^^' 


Well I probably won't enjoy it, but I can tolerate that much. Thank you for the warning though.