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As far as I'm aware, the main bugs there is in this version is that if you move while cleaning (specifically, if you register a move and get out of the stain collision box during the cleaning process), and a possible collision bug if you hit a corner at a bad angle.
Not saying it's okay, but did you run into other bugs? I never got such harsh feedbacks on that :o

(also, for the record, this was a game jam game, so I didn't have much time/incentive to go back to fixing bugs after it got finished; I'm sorry ahah)

I was a little over reacting with the whole "Quit the game", I have quit like once, but a few minutes later I tried again.
(The game is addicting :D ) Sorry if you got sad or anything, didn't mean to be harsh :c. Those are the only bugs I found so far. I'll keep trying to find more. 

To make you feel better. I donated a 1.00$       : D

! Thank you :D

I have an updated version of the game that I didn't find the time to wrap up and upload here. With a little luck I'll make room to do that soon. Thanks a lot for your interest in the game anyway, I appreciate it <3

You're welcome :D