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(2 edits) (+2)

Again friend I don't doubt people would prefer Coach Gil over Mr. Parker. He's a freaking  hornball. His route is the funniest to read through. 1 thing that bothers me the most is that I don't like basketball and I freaking hate that Talbot (the shark guy because story needs to have a villian right?), but I love Coach Gil tho. That's why I'd prefer Mr. Parker over Coach Gil, but that doesn't mean I dont love Coach Gil...

Since you love Coach Gil route so much.

Imma drop this bomb just to make you guys suffer with your curiosity... 🤣



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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey man dont forget about this wolf..

I mean I really love the main characters design but ohhh la la these 2 sub characters are also hot AF thought...

Oh my my, no wonder you guys so hooked with that.

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I mean, in a nutshell... Everyone is pretty sexy in AfCL.... 

I'd not mind that Liz would be a route as well lol

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tbf I'm actually bi... Inclined to girls... 

But idk, furry daddies are also a thing for me lul don't judge my kinks (bc if you do I'll judge yours lol)

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I'm Bi I dont mind Liz's route but that's not gonna happen since my boi Walter not so much into it... Hehe

welp, was just a comment...

Walter chooses D(word) and As i said... I don't complain 😂

The hornier the better...

oh Logan!

I remember him from one of the previous free Dev.Logs on Patreon!

Can't wait for the day 8!


Remember this? 🤪

you guys don't stop lol