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I replayed Gil route (thankfully, the 8.30 has the new 7 days of Gilbert) and... Andy, the first time that I played Gil's route, I loved it and I didn't knew how it could be better... 

Now I am with the same feeling again lolol

Can't wait to the day 8!!!!!

(Specially on how the new route turned out XD)

Also... Even tho I'm talking about Gil route... Agree with AbsoluteSane's comment under my comment here... More Mr Parker please!! (Even tho I don't mind a horn dog as well lmao)

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Again friend I don't doubt people would prefer Coach Gil over Mr. Parker. He's a freaking  hornball. His route is the funniest to read through. 1 thing that bothers me the most is that I don't like basketball and I freaking hate that Talbot (the shark guy because story needs to have a villian right?), but I love Coach Gil tho. That's why I'd prefer Mr. Parker over Coach Gil, but that doesn't mean I dont love Coach Gil...

Since you love Coach Gil route so much.

Imma drop this bomb just to make you guys suffer with your curiosity... 🤣



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Hey man dont forget about this wolf..

I mean I really love the main characters design but ohhh la la these 2 sub characters are also hot AF thought...

Oh my my, no wonder you guys so hooked with that.

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I mean, in a nutshell... Everyone is pretty sexy in AfCL.... 

I'd not mind that Liz would be a route as well lol

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tbf I'm actually bi... Inclined to girls... 

But idk, furry daddies are also a thing for me lul don't judge my kinks (bc if you do I'll judge yours lol)

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I'm Bi I dont mind Liz's route but that's not gonna happen since my boi Walter not so much into it... Hehe

welp, was just a comment...

Walter chooses D(word) and As i said... I don't complain 😂

The hornier the better...

oh Logan!

I remember him from one of the previous free Dev.Logs on Patreon!

Can't wait for the day 8!


Remember this? 🤪

you guys don't stop lol