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If anyone really wants to play the current version, I was able to get it running locally:

  • Download the .rar and extract it using WinRAR/7-Zip/PeaZip
  • Download Brotli
  • Decompress the files in Build ending with .br e.g. ./brotli --decompress --in --out
  • Open index.html in a text editor, scroll down to the <script> tag and replace the references to the compressed files with their decompressed counterparts
  • Run a web server with index.html at the root: if you have Python, python -m http.server, or if you have Node, npx http-server
  • Open a web browser to the given host and port

Now my review:

I like the game mechanic and the fact that your trajectory is influenced by the planets’ gravity is very cool. The music gives me a proper space-ish feel. I escaped Earth, but I wasn’t sure what to do once I reached Mars. I couldn’t land on it and I couldn’t see any platforms. The problem I faced getting further was that everything became very tiny very quickly on the screen, I think scaling the trajectory line to have a constant width on screen would have helped. Everything also slows down with scale. I see the link to the theme - leaving your planet “behind you” in search of new frontiers. Overall a worthy entry and disappointing that I might have been the only one to play it!