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OMG first of all, thank you so much for all your work since the Flash versions.
The only Murloc game I played back in 2012~ish was the Murloc 3. And I loved this game so much that I literally could log off WoW to keep farming on my shaman murloc.
I noticed some differences like not having the skill bar nor the WoW "hand" cursor. Althought I see that some depth are insert on this version (which may or may not needed to be changed to fit it), I really miss the sensation of playing a "2D WoW". Is this new layout permanent? I still love it and I'll keep playing it. But it would even more awesome to have these things back.
Thank you again and keep up the excellent work! :D


Hiya, I am glad you enjoyed the game but note I am not the original creator but someone who has remade the whole game with plans to continue it. As for your points about the UI and such, this is not set in stone and I am looking to improve lots of these areas in the upcoming future!