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(3 edits)

I will consider your feedback.

It is of course straightforward, and simply by looking and playing a little it is very obvious that the game fits the Magical Girl genre.

But well... before playing the game one of the first things I see, to determine whether the game fits the jam or not, is the answer to the questionnaire. What I wanted to say was simply how the answer doesn't actually answer the question, and only repeats it. I think the description of the question when you first answered it does describe that Magical Girl is defined as "Girls Using Magical Power"; probably I should elaborate next time that you should answer based on that definition but well...

Let's see to illustrate what I mean... Suppose I ask you "How is cat a mammal?", the expected answer is something along the line of "Cats feed their young with milk", but your answer is like "Cat is obviously a mammal". Yeah to make my job of removing games that are put in bad faith easier please actually answer the question next time. 

In any case, thank you for participating! I hope you had fun.

(EDITs are grammatical error fixings)