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A typing game! This is definitely a unique experience however felt it was lacking much polish in terms of actual gameplay. There was no clear instructions in-game and the art felt a little out of place considering the type of game it is.

Concept wise, I would love to see a horror-based typing game, but do think this project needed a tad more polish!

PS: It was amusing though!

(2 edits)

Thank you, and I agree - It definitely needs a lot more polish, the goal was definitely far more than what it turned out to be and I am very largely inexperienced at game jams, let alone game-dev. If I could pick your brain a bit, are there any pointers to focus on when it comes to adding some extra polish?

I am glad it was amusing, it's one way to go at least.


Polishing is definitely a case-by-case basis, however it typically would aim to assuring the game speaks for itself.

Generally speaking, you will learn most of what you need to know through playtesting. During a playtest, you should be able to sit silently, not explain anything, and observe the player go through your title as anticipated. If they don’t, then note where and how they got stuck, then fix it. Repeat this process a few times and you will officially have “polish”!

Great, thank you - I guess like everything else it really just boils down to experience. Another 98 game jams to go!