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Thank you so much for playing my game! I am so happy you got various theories and upon seeing your stream, there is a lot of things I think you nailed without even realizing, im thinking of maybe making a small video later revealing some of the intentions behind the game I made, and as for the multiple endings, I definitely should make like a small guide and have somewhere people can download it if they want it :3 thanks again for the support! 

Of course! I'm absolutely happy to hear that! In my next stream, I'll try to follow your advice and see if i will get the last ending! I'll also discuss more of my theories on stream before moving onto doing something else!

That is so cool of you thank you so much for the support! I might be thinking of expanding a bit more on Clicker V and adding a bit more later, and I think your idea of making a guide for players is a good idea, I wonder If I should post it in the same page as a pdf or something, tell me your thoughts and thanks again! :3

There are two ways you could do it. Either put it in the file where the game can be found, or post it on the main page as a possible thing you can download!

And dude, keep me posted if ya update it! I'm totally going to play it again, honestly! I'm excited and I'm sure everyone would love to see more blurp action!