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Name (Nickname): Akira Akifumi

Age: ??? (Looks 21)

Gender: F

Race: White

Build: Extremely skinny

Body Type: O-

Physical Frame: broad shoulders, deformed like waist (looks as if it’s in a knot)

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 187 - Despite being unnaturally skinny

Hair: Short, straight, blue

Eyes: White, as if she were blind (She isn’t)

Habits: Smiles WAY to much.

Gestures/Mannerisms - Small

Demeanor/Carriage/Gait: Suspicious, eerie, unnerving

Voice: Speaks in very broken English

Style: Her style is what one would describe as “Homeless dude off the street who hasn’t showered in 25 years”

Clothing: Tattered t-shirt with many bandages underneath, dark blue stained pants.

Loves/Favorites: Meat, nature

Hates: Pineapples (Her skin is way weaker than a humans, so pineapple can burn her.), people

Hobbies: Walk/Hike, Stargaze

Talents/Skills: Running, Killing, tearing

Hopes/Dreams: None.

Fears/Nightmares: Pineapple, and the public

Best Quality: Takes care of the nature around her to her best ability.

Greatest Flaw: She scares others very easily.

Character Strengths: Athletic, slightly strong

Quirks: Creepy

How does the character picture himself/herself? She thinks of herself as a weakling.

How do others see him/her? Terrifying.

Most valued possession: The forest she lives in.

Current motivation: Survival

How does he/she view the future and/or the past? Regret

What is his/her philosophy on life and death? Death = Life

What kind of energy level do they usually have? Mood Swings

How does he/she show and/or handle: love, affection, grief, pain, anger, sadness, conflict, change, loss? She kills and goes on an emotional craze.

Does he/she have a temper? Yes, Definitely, Absolutely.

How does he/she respond to the surrounding world, the ‘unfamiliar,’ and other people in general? Judgmental and kinda scared

Polite or rude? A mix of both, more on the rude side.

Stingy or generous? Mostly generous

What kind of ‘public’ face does he/she display? Put up a front

Leader or a follower? Either or.

More happy by themselves or in a group? By herself.

Does he/she have any addictions/dependencies/fixations/fetishes/ or other strange behavior? No

Setting: 2021, in a unlocated forest.

Occupation: None

Educational background/other learning experiences: None

Intelligence Level: Acts as if 86, actually is 107.

Family: ??? (Raised till 8 then abandoned.

Friends: None - yet

Backstory: ???

Physical Strength: Little, a bit above average.

Coordination/Reflexes: Very good.

Fighting Style: Wild, almost serial killer like.

Unusual Abilities/Powers: None…?

Weapons/Other Gear: Sometimes uses objects around her.

Sorry if this is inconsistent or bad, mad this on the spot.