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Hey, thank you very much, I'm glad that our work was worth it in the end. I am however afraid that the answer to your question is no. The thing is, we all just graduated and the game was (kind of) our graduation project. We are currently all in the process of orienting ourselves professionally and are more or less all going our own way.

Nevertheless, I will say that there is definitely the possibility that some of us will eventually reunite in a slightly changed constellation :) 

makes sense and that’s fine! It’s really cool you got a tangible product out of you graduation though, something to look back on. Now who do I follow to get more content like this? 🤔

I think almost all of us could work on great things in the future, so I would recommend you to check out the credits and the socials of everyone. In all modesty, however, I would also like to say that I played a very central role in this project so definitely follow me if you haven't already :)


I am following you on all platforms, my friend. I'll do the same for your colleagues. As soon as you release a new game I'll be the first to play it 👀