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Such an amazing game. I am really glad I took the time to play it. Funny enough, I like to joke that everyone could use therapy, including me, and I felt this game gave me what I needed to hear. The therapy session at the end of the game summarized exactly how I feel.

The anxiety mechanic really showed me how debilitating negative thoughts can be. I got annoyed whenever he put himself down because it was always a setback in my plans. This made me realize how counterproductive being hard on myself is. And since I am so productivity obsessed, it only makes sense to stop negative thoughts. 

Naturally, this is easier said than done, but I am going to try to counteract negative thoughts with positive ones. Because hey, I do deserve to be proud of my achievements. I do deserve to be happy with what I have. We all deserve happiness. 

Thank you so much for making this game! I look forward to your future projects.  

I truly appreciate your message.

I am aware that the mood/anxiety/thoughts mechanics can make the game quite punishing, but it's a risk I was willing to take because there was a message to be delivered. I would say the peak of my satisfaction as a dev is knowing the message came accross in a meaningful way for someone. Your feedback made me happy!