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Yes, that looks great. I was almost going to somehow add bust shots, The work would have taken much longer. Keep adding more. As you know, I replaced the trees in my game by using trees from another dlc pack. They're easy to replace when you find better ones. As you make more, you'll grow, some times a break is needed and you come back with loads more energy. So, never feel like you're going nowhere, each step leads to the next. :) 

yes i bet it would had been way more work to just add bust for  your characters , new graphics in your game are great :)

thanks for cheering me , you right breaks are needed :)

(2 edits)

omg something unexpected came up and i had to re-install rpg maker ,i'm so glad i had made a backup of my game a few days ago or all would have been lost ...i just have to re-do 3 map


Make a back up often, It's totally needed if you make a couple of new maps or add some stuff that took allot of time. I know one time a version of my game broke and it wouldn't work at all. Best to keep your work safe. 

i definitely will make backup more often, things can go very bad indeed. this is the 2nd time actually and i got my lesson this time .

how did you manage to get it to work back again or you had to do lot of things again?