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Thank you for taking the time to write such a long review 🙏🙏

Our artist is grateful and very happy to know you liked her hard work 😊❤️❤️ 

There was no time indeed😅 since this game was done by a team of two within 24 days for a jam. This was the best we could do at that moment✊

But I'm glad to know you enjoyed "the one-on-one conversations", it was meant to be the brightest points in the game 🥰🥰

I just need to point out that this game is a DLC and the story is completely different from the main game. The idea was to create a stage play where the characters from the main game were performing this Halloween story. So no, nothing in this game is related to the main material (aside from the characters' faces) and people can enjoy one without playing the other 😊

Thank you so much for playing it and for leaving your thoughts 🤗❤️🙏 It really means a lot to us.