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This is a bizarre sort of  survival (?) game where the player has to maintain a time-limited production line and keep the entire supply chain running smoothly ... or else! 

I thought that the logistics of the game were fairly well thought out. The production line is intuitive once you figure out what all the levers are for, and I found it was a good balance of difficulty trying to get the plants grown in time, whilst keeping the power going. 

Whilst I didn't play through to see if there was any progression or an ending, maybe exploring different sources of challenge could diversify the game a little, such as adding different types of plants or orders instead of just increasing the order size and time limit. 

Oh, and the secret behind this basement is a fun touch! I didn't notice it until far, far too late, and too many of my plants had been fertilised! 

Thanks for submitting this game to the 'A Dark Room' jam!