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Haha, really nice game! I like the concept, the art looks nice and the soundtracks are creating the right atmosphere.

I guess now the best tactic to win is to steal every fish from the red guy, haha. 

Would be interesting to see a 2P version. Just would be necessary to add some mechanic for those fights over the fishes since now it is only who is closer is pulling harder. Maybe some collisions between players would do the trick. Or some other mechanic which will get the other player out of the way for a while.

Keep it up. Have fun. 


Thanks for the feedback! Since adding a second player should be very easy, I am hoping to add that post Jam. Follow me on itch if you want to be notified when that happens.

Try the multiplayer version!


Nice nice! Though, its kinda hard to simulate proper match, when I play simultaneously for both disks, haha. Should try when I have someone over.

Btw did you make those soundtracks?

I did not. I just added a credits section to the description with a link to the background music pack I used.

Oh, I see. So again, good choice!