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The Aftermath is basically like Papers, Please. Granted, it's a stripped-down version of the game, but that's partially why I like it so much.

It's a game that isn't too serious. It has no deep political/social commentary like Papers, Please. You don't have to watch for a gorillion things while strategically keeping your family alive. It's a simple Heaven or Hell decision. That's it.

And that's why it's a good game.

The graphics aren't the best in the world, but in this case they don't have to be. The music is definitely inspired by Papers, Please, but it does give a good atmosphere without ripping off the game. The controls are as simple as the gameplay.

The only thing I would change would be the names. It seems like I'm looping through a limited database of names too frequently. A larger name bank would make it just a bit better.

Thanks a lot for the kind review. It's true that the database in general is extremely short and since the game was a game jam entry, it does have a major lack of content. Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed it.