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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi eishiya, I'll go point by point.

  • Set a delay on particle emission

- This is actually on our roadmap, It was in the low priority queue but I've just moved it to high for being a high requested feature. It should be added in the next update.

  • Have slower speeds

- You can just right click any slider to input any value, even if the value is not between the default min/max values.

  • Adjust the values of sliders with the keyboard

- That's a nice idea, you can adjust the values with the mouse wheel, but I'll add the arrow keys and WASD for my gamers fellows.

  • Control the frame rate

- Yeah, it was removed with the UI rework, we forgot about it :P. We'll add it again in the next update.

  • Copy+paste emitters

- As you said, this is now a feature that will come in the next update.

Thanks for all the suggestions!