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2) Gameplay is good but these puzzle will make it even better. And there will be specific theme for some level which will make game more challenging.

4) Zoom feature will return for PC version.

5) It will be removed for PC version. Just need to manage the jump and rope function while on ground. 

3) I have seen the editor.log after exporting a build. Almost 95% of game size was taken by images. The reason for that is I have made levels on Krita. Sliced them into smaller images and resized them so that they will appear sharp. So by default if unity is using size 2024 I have to double if for some level sprites to 4048. Same with characters sprites.  I used the image below for idle animation in last build. The size of the image is 400x700 while actual sprite size is 70x300 or something. So even though there is no information in the blank space the image is going to consume larger space(and there are 1000+ frames like this including all skins and sex animations). This time I have cropped image to perfect size and making a tile set for level so that I will be able to design a level in unity.