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With around seven hours of gameplay under my belt, here are some things I'd like to see added:

- A way to get all achievements without loosing the giant beets! They're just too cute. Maybe let us find/make an item that can resurrect the beets and we can get both the "Monster" and a "Beet Necromancer" achievement? But as long as they can be my buddies on my island while still getting all achievements I'd be so happy.

- Auto-collecting for fish traps. This would be a real quality of life update. (I personally would not find it overpowered if this was unlocked along with auto-collect for crafted items.)

- A beet-themed hat! Maybe we get it for the "Beet Necromancer" achievement if that is added.

- Cheaper but less expensive bombs. Or make the bombs a little cheaper.

- Make seeds a bit more worth it. (Up the crafting ingredient to seed ratio.)

If any of these have been suggested before I apologise. I did not want to read through all the comments under this post as there are so many.