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(1 edit)

Hey there.

I looked into this, and after finding some weirdness with plugin order, and my shield block plugin, which I started to fix only to realize it was a plugin load order issue (whoops), I was unable to duplicate this exact problem.

If I leave the crit formula in YEP_ExtraParamFormulas as the default, the MHCrit and OHCrit values are calculated normally. If I change it to a flat value (0.1) then both of them show a 10% crit chance regardless of what's on either weapon, which I think is what should happen in that situation.

I'd need to know what you're using as your crit formula in that plugin to confirm that at least that is working.

I was unable to duplicate the menu display issue at all, though. The numbers changed to be what they should have been every time, and switching away from params, and back again did not cause them to revert to something else, even after changing equipment. I'd recommend disabling the exparam menu fix plugin, as what it does is covered in the DW_MenuExtension, and it's possible the two are interfering with each other somehow. That fix was only to be used if you wanted to show exparams like Mh Hit/crit on the parameters screen without using the menu extension plugin, which changes a lot of other stuff too.


Hey Ramza.

I am using the default crit formula:

(base + plus) * rate + flat

The issue still happens with exparamfix disabled. Additionally, even if I disable ExtraParamFormula, If I equip a weapon with crit chance in mainhand and navigate to the status page it appears to be fine at first:

But if I equip another crit weapon in the offhand and navigate to the status page it causes the split params to default again:

That is all with this load order:

This next part is an entirely separate issue, but it is a bit more of a concern on my part for my project in regards to exparamfix DW edition. Parry, Expertise, and the split crit/hit appear to crash the game when navigating to the attribute page even with the requisite plugins:

Removing the extra params appears to fix the crashing issue. The block/pierce params seem to be fine:

Sorry to dump all of this on you. I really appreciate you.

(1 edit)


I'll look into the second thing in a bit, I suspect maybe the exparamfix plugin doesn't support those exparam names, or rather the DW version of it doesn't.

As for the crit % thing, I think I'm getting somewhere on this now. I was about to make a big post with screenshots of my test project, with my plugins in all the same order and whatnot, and show you that I still couldn't reproduce the problem, but midway through typing that out, I realized one thing that might be making my test case different from yours, and that's that my test actor is wielding two different weapons. When I modified my offhand item to be wieldable in the main hand, and gave him two of those instead, I immediately reproduced your problem. 

So the issue seems to be related to using two of the same weapon only. I'm not sure where in the process that would be causing an issue, because I don't think I ever remove weapon stats based on the item Id, but now that I know this much, I can continue in troubleshooting it further.

I will note that if you use item core, each weapon is unique, and this problem doesn't happen with two of the same weapon in that case, so it would appear to be some check I'm making that compares the main and offhand weapons to see if they are the same exact item, it seems.



Looking into it a bit more, this seems to be an issue caused by not having independent items in your project. Since you're not using item core, and weapons are not unique, the function I used to calculate MH and OH crit and hit ends up removing traits from all weapons of that ID when it does it's check. If your actor is wielding two of the same weapons, that means his crit % on each weapon is take out for each hand, resulting in it only showing his base crit %. This only happens if he's wielding the same weapon in each hand, though.

Additionally, it would be more than just a visual issue, as in combat, I use the same sort of function to temporarily remove traits from the hand not currently being swung, meaning if you have two of the same weapon equipped, it will take the crit % off both of them again, and your actual crit chance will be lower than expected.

I should be able to make a fix for this, but it'll be a bit more involved, since the trait removal thing is important to how the battle calculations work. In the meantime, if possible, using yanfly's Item Core plugin, and using independent weapons will solve this problem entirely (and allow you to use switchable 2h weapons if you want :)