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You’re starting though.

ack- ok)) 

Retro was just sitting on a bench at the park, enjoying the warm sunny day

Horacio is walking in the park bored as who knows what. He sees a civilian sitting on the bench, but Horacio decides to cause some mischief.

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Retro doesn't notice Horacio, because- they were half asleep- ✨ahh yes, the perks of being sleep deprived✨

Horacio walks up behind Retro quietly with a devilish smile on his face. Horacio gets inches away from Retro’s ear and screams to the best ability his lungs could.

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"AH SHIT!!-" they topple off the bench and get up quickly, rubbing their ringing ear they say in an angry tone "WTF MAN?! YOU TRYNNA WAKE UP ALASKA?!"

“Hehehe, I couldn’t help it”, Horacio says in a sensual like tone. “You looked so peaceful”, he snickers.

"yeah.. way to ruin my mood..." they grumble, still pissed

“It’s not my fault, you’re the one who slept in a public place…”

"well- half asleep, and it was, since your the one who decided to scream in my ear."