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The "Last Episode", though it's split into chapters X)

Quite nice, I see that you implement something from the previous games in the series too to this with the exploration. Though unlike PA IF 0 the exploration here is rather monotonous (don't think to much of my criticism, I'm not a professional!)


Whooops, was busy forgot to post here X)

Chapter 2 of the last episode~

Love the small PA 3 interaction esque here~


Chapter 3 goes hard! Didn't expect them to experience those....


And yes the final episode! Chapter 4 and 5.... Honestly took me an hour to find how to unlock chapter 5 XD

Should've put a walkthrough but that's fine~

Overall it's a nice game, a lot of things that can be explored. Good chemistry between each characters~

But the story a bit confusing~