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Haha XD 

Cool to see you have found your favorite in Tanya !

(because of my poor difficulty balance, 4hp characters are not easy to play so also congrats :o)

Like i said, i did the best i could to have max polish on what content i managed to finish in time for the jam, so always nice to see people apreciate the effort ^^, now i wouldn't consider myself a good storyteller by any stretch of the word, so not sure on heavy lore but i do have some story bits in mind about this world and i want to maybe flesh this out more as i make potential future games to do so. 

But if i had to sum what's there at the moment quickly i'd say it's mostly based around the "used future" 70's/80's style aesthetic, so think ships mechas and just about everything looking very boxy with some inner workings appearant, mostly cause they have seen quite some use and different owners/repairs prior, and most of the electronics run like everything still used old comodores and stuff like that (been done to death i know, but i like this kind of setting and i'd like to have my shot at it :p)

If you're curious to see another snippet of it however i sorta intended this entry to be part of the same world as one a made previously for the bullet hell jam 

Anyway my rambling aside :p thanks for giving my game a shot and sharing your thoughts :)