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Wow! The art for this game is so beautiful, and the emotions behind the writing come through really well. The guys are super cute, it's hard to decide which I'd like best. I'm definitely looking forward to the full game!

Just wanted to add one constructive criticism - there are a lot of typos or maybe translation issues in the writing of this early version (though the meaning still comes through). For example, a sentence or phrase shouldn't end with "I'm," it should be "I am." Just a suggestion to maybe have a beta reader or someone to copy edit for the English version before final release? Great job though!!


Thank you so much!!😭🥺❤️ The boys are a real tease👀👌omg I'm so glad you liked it!!

Of course. Constructive criticism is always welcome 😊 we were kind of aware of these issues, to be honest. We released this trial on August 24th and then on September 1st we took part in a jam and started working on a DLC for this game (which is out now for download👀). In the end, we were so busy we didn't have time to fix it. But now we are back and as soon as I finish checking the files I'll update the game and get rid of these typos 😊🙏

Thank you so much for playing it and for sharing your thoughts. It means a lot to us🥰❤️❤️


Awesome!! And for sure I'm going to play that DLC next =) thanks for all your great work, looking forward to more!