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See that Current dir and the message pointing to C:\Maelstrom\gentlemen-of-fortune-maelstrom-engine?  That means that your Start in directory for your shortcut is not pointing to ERAS.  Change shortcut Start in value:

Start in:  C:\WhereIPutTheERASProgramAndResources

Thanks - got it. Much appreciated

Mr. Jeffrey,

in when I right-click Maelstrom in DirectX_64bit folder there is no Start in:.... line. What have I missed?

Rgds, Oldtimer

The Maelstrom folders with the Maelstrom.exe do not have start.ini.  The start.ini files are specific to each mod, so it resides in the ERAS, COAS, GOF, etc folders, where the Start in: path points.

Mr. Jeffrey,

when I open ERAS folder I see no Start in: line nor a start.ini file. I dl-ed  and placed dl-s manually in C:\Maelstrom folder(the engine) and C:\Maelstrom\Games folder(ERAS). This since itch dl-s from my library refuse to finish installation. They freeze with a few secs left. But that`s not your problem.

THX for your attn.,
