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Heya ! I started playing this game on my channel recently ! It seems sooo high quality I can't believe it. When I found this game I was super excited to play it as well, just thinking about it made me really happy. The music is really nice and I really enjoy the dynamic between all the characters, even if I'm not far yet 0]:-) Congratulations on the marvelous project !


This was such a treat to watch! I always get nervous when watching people play a game I worked on, but this video was so funny and I really liked the voices you did for everyone. There were a number of times where you laughed at something and then went "oh no, I shouldn't laugh at that, this is serious." And I wanted to tell you to please feel comfortable laughing! You were laughing at our intended jokes, and it felt so NICE hearing someone understand exactly what we were tying to communicate with them!


Awww, thank you so so much ! I really liked the writing and the vibe of the game, it was everything !